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Friday, 28 September 2012

it's chilled yeasterday


Friday, 21 September 2012

WoW,"WhAt a CraSh . . !"

A cool evening .

A cool evening .

(On way to raising the dead)

Today  technology   plays  a  vital  role  in  every  aspect  of  life. Increasing  standards  in  technology   in  many  fields , has  taken  man  today   to  high  esteem. But  the  present  available  technologies  are  unable  to  interact  with  the  atoms, such  a  minute particles. Hence Nanotechnology  has  been  developing. Nanotechnology  is nothing  but  a  technology  which  uses  atoms  with  a  view  to  creating a  desired  product. It  has  wider  applications  in  all  the  fields. The   important application is  Cryonics..  Cryonics is nothing  but  an  attempt  of  raising  the  dead - making them alive. First  we   preserve  the  body  then  by  using  molecular  machines  based  nanotechnology  we  could  revive  the  patients  by  repairing  damaged  cells.

In  this  technical  paper  we  would  like  to  discuss  cryonics, how  the  process  of  cryonics  goes on  and  why  nanotechnology  is  being  used  and  description  of  molecular  machines  which  has  the  capability  of  repairing  damaged  cells. Therefore Cryonics is an area in which most of the work is to be done in future.


                 Today  technology   plays  a  vital  role  in  every  aspect  of  life. Increasing  standards  in  technology   in  many  fields  particularly  in  medicine, has  taken  man  today   to  high  esteem. Nanotechnology  is  a  new  technology  that is  knocking  at the  doors. This  technology  uses  atoms  with  a  view  to  creating  a  desired  product. The term nanotechnology  has  been  a  combination  of  two  terms,”nano”and  “technology”. The term  nano  is  derived  from  a  Greek  word  “nanos”  which  means  “dwarf”.  Thus  nanotechnology  is  dwarf  technology. A  nanometer  is  one  billionth  of  a  metre.
Our  former  President   A.P.J.Abdul  Kalam   being   a   scientist   made   a  note  about  this   technology   that  nanotechnology  would  give  us  an  opportunity,     if   we   take   appropriate   and   timely  action  to  become  one  of  the  important  technological  nations  in  the  world.     The  main  application  of  nanotechnology  is  cryonics. Cryonics  is  nothing  but  an  attempt  of  raising  the  dead. Cryonics  is  not  a  widespread   medical  practice  and  viewed  with  skepticism  by  most  scientists  and  doctors today.


             The  first  mention  of  nanotechnology  occurred  in  a  talk  given  by  Richard  Feynman  in  1959, entitled  There’s  plenty  of  Room  at  the  Bottom. Historically  cryonics  began  in  1962  with  the  publication  of  “The  prospect  of  immortality” referred  by  Robert  Ettinger, a  founder  and  the  first  president  of  the  cryonics  institute. During  1980’s  the  extent  of  the  damage  from  freezing  process  became  much  clearer  and   better  known, when  the  emphasis  of  the  movement  began  to  shift  to  the  capabilities  of  nanotechnology. Alcor  Life  Extension  Foundation  currently  preserves  about  70  human  bodies  and  heads  in  Scottsdale, Arizona  and  the  cryonics  institute  has  about  the  same  number  of  cryonic  patients  in  its  Clinton  Township, Michigan  facility. There  are  no  cryonics  service  provided  outside  of  the  U.S.A. also  there  are  support  groups  in  Europe, Canada, Australia & U.K.     
              The word "cryonics" is  the practice of freezing a dead body in hopes of someday reviving  it. A Cryonics is the practice of cooling people immediately after death to the point where molecular physical decay completely stops, in the expectation that scientific and medical procedures currently being developed will be able to revive them and restore them to good health later. A patient held in such a state is said to be in 'cryonic suspension. Cryonics is the practice of cryopreserving humans and pets (who have recently become legally dead) until the cryopreservation damage can be reversed and the cause of the fatal disease can be cured (including the disease known as aging).  However, there is a high representation of scientists among cryonicists. Support for cryonics is based on controversial projections of future technologies and of their ability to enable molecular-level repair of tissues and organs

Cryonics patient prepares for the future:
How an Alcor patient's body is frozen and stored until medical technology can repair the body and revive the  patient, or grow a new body for the patient.
Patient declared legally dead
           On way to Alcor in Arizona, blood circulation is maintained and patient is injected with medicine to minimise problems with frozen tissue.  Cooling of body begun.  (If body needs to be flown, blood is replaced with organ preservatives.)

Description: cryonics2

At Alcor the body is cooled to 5 degrees
 Chest opened, blood is replaced with a solution (glycerol, water, other chemicals) that enters the tissues, pushing out water to reduce ice formation. In 2 to 4 hours, 60% or more of body water is replaced by glycerol.
Description: cryonics3

Description: cryonics4Freezing the body:
The patient is placed in cold
Silicone oil, chilling the body
 to79°C. Then it’s moved to an
 aluminiumPod and slowly cooled
over 5 days in Liquid nitrogen to
-196°C,then stored.

Actual process starts:

Description: brain

After preserving the body for somedays, they will start the surgery.As a part of it, they will apply some chemicals like glycerol and some advanced chemicals to activate the cells of the body. By doing so, 0.2% of the cells in the body will be activated.After that they will preserve the body for future applications. The cryonists strongly believe that future medicines in 21st century will be useful to rapidly increase those cells that will help to retrieve the dead person back.
Storage vessel
       Stainless-steel vats formed into a large thermos-bottle-like container.  Vat for up to four bodies weighs about a ton; stands 9 feet tall.
Transtime "recommends" that people provide a minimum of $150,000 for whole-body suspension.  Part of this sum pays for the initial costs of the suspension.  The balance is placed in a trust fund, with the income used to pay the continued cost of maintaining you in suspension.  Transtime can do neurosuspensions but does not promote the option.  Transtime also charges a yearly fee of $96 for membership, with the price halved to $48 for other family members.
The Cryonics Institute in Clinton Township, Michigan, charges $28,000 for a full-body suspension, along with a one-time payment of $1,250.  The Cryonics Institute does not do neurosuspension.
About 90 people in the United Stated are already in suspension, with hundreds more signed on for the service. Probably the most famous cryopreserved patient is Ted WilliamsA cryopreserved person is sometimes whimsically called a corpsicle (a portmanteau of "corpse" and "popsicle"). This term was first used by science fiction author Larry Niven, who credits its formulation to Obstacles to success.
Revival process:
                  Critics have often quipped that it is easier to revive a corpse than a cryonically frozen body. Many cryonicists might actually agree with this, provided that the "corpse" were fresh, but they would argue that such a "corpse" may actually be biologically alive, under optimal conditions. A declaration of legal death does not mean that life has suddenly ended—death is a gradual process, not a sudden event. Rather, legal death is a declaration by medical personnel that there is nothing more they can do to save the patient. But if the body is clearly biologically dead, having been sitting at room temperature for a period of time, or having been traditionally embalmed, then cryonicists would hold that such a body is far less revivable than a cryonically preserved patient, because any process of resuscitation will depend on the quality of the structural and molecular preservation of the brain.
Financial issues:
             Cryopreservation arrangements can be expensive, currently ranging from $28,000 at the Cryonics Institute to $150,000 at Alcor and the American Cryonics Society.
The biggest drawback to current vitrification practice is a costs issue. Because the most cost-effective means of storing a cryopreserved person is in liquid nitrogen, fracturing of the brain occurs, a result of thermal stresses that develop when cooling from −130°C to −196°C (the temperature of liquid nitrogen). actually quite affordable for the vast majority of those in the industrialized world who really  make arrangements while still young.
Court Rules against Keeping:
             The Conseil d'Etat ruled cryonics - stopping physical decay after death in the hope of future revival - is illegal.
          The court said relatives have two choices over what to do with dead bodies - burial or cremation.  It said relatives can scatter ashes after cremation, but they have to bury bodies in a cemetery or in a tomb on
private property after gaining special permissionant it, especially if they make arrangements while still young.

Why only nanotechnology is used in cryonics?
                  Biological  molecules  and  systems  have  a  number  of  attributes  that  make  them  highly  suitable  for  nanotechnology  applications. Remote  control  of  DNA  has  proved  that  electronics  can  interact  with  biology. Gap  between  electronics  and  biology  is  now  closing.

              The key to cryonics' eventual success is nanotechnology, manipulating materials on an atomic or molecular scale, according to most techies who are interested in cryonic suspension.  "Current medical science does not have the tools to fix damage that occurs at the cellular and molecular level, and damage to these systems is the cause of vast majority of fatal illnesses.”  Nanotechnology  is  the  ultimate  miniaturization  can  achieve. A  nanometer  is  equivalent  to  the  width  of  six  bonded  carbon  items. A  DNA  molecule  is  2.5nm  wide. 

 Cryonics   basically   deals  with  cells, these  cells  are  in  the  order  of  nanometers. At  present  there  is  no other  technology  which  deals  with   such  minute  cells.  Only  nanotechnology  can  have  the  ability  to  deal  with  cells. Normally  fatal  accidents  could  be walked  away  from, thanks  to  range  of  safety  devices  possible  only  with  nanotechnology.

             Viruses, prions, parasites  and  bacteria  continue  to  mutate  and  produce  new  diseases. Our  natural  immune  system  may, or  may  not, handle. In  theory, a  nano  ‘cell  sentinel’ could  make  our  body  immune  to  any  present  or   future  infectious  disease. 

             Fracturing  is  a  special  concern  for  new  vitrification  protocol  brought  online  by  Alcor  for  neuro  patients. If  advanced  nanotechnology  is  available  for  patient  recovery, then  fracturing  probably  causes  little  information  loss. Fracturing  commits  cryopatient  to  the  need  for  molecular  repair  at  cryogenic  temperature  a   highly  specialized  and  advanced  form  of  nanotechnology. Whereas  unfractured  patients  may  be  able  to  benefit sooner  from  simple  forms  of  nanotechnology  developed  for  more  main  stream  medical  applications. Damaged   caused  by  freezing  &  fracturing  is  thought  to  be  potentially  repairable  in  future  using  nanotechnology  which  will  enable  manipulation  of  matter  at  the  molecular  level.

How nanotechnology is used in cryonics?
              MOLECULAR  MACHINES  could  revive  patients  by  repairing  damaged  cells  but  for  making  those  cell  repair  machines, we  first  need  to  build  a  molecular  assembler.
              It  is  quite  possible  to  adequately  model  the  behaviour  of  molecular  machines  that  satisfy  two  constraints.
  • They  are  built  from  parts  that  are  so  stable  that  small  errors   in  the  empirical  force  fields  don’t  affect  the  shape  or  stability  of  the  parts.
    The synthesis  of  parts  is  done  by  using  positionally  controlled  reactions, where  the  actual  chemical  reactions 
  • involve  a  relatively  small  number  of  atoms.
          Drexler’s  assembler  can  be   built  with  these  constraints.

Assembler made using current methods :
      The  fundamental  purpose  of  an  assembler  is  to  position  atoms. Robotic  arms  are  other  positioning  devices  are  basically  mechanical  in  nature, and  will  allow  us  to  position  molecular  parts  during  the  assembly process. Molecular  mechanics  provides  us  with  an  excellent  tool  for  modeling  the  behaviour  of  such  devices.  The  second  requirement  is  the  ability  to  make  and  break  bonds  at  specific  sites. While  molecular  mechanics  provides  an  excellent  tool  for  telling  us  where  the  tip of  the  assembler  arm  is  located, current force  fields  are  not  adequate  to  model  the  specific  chemical  reactions  that  must  then take place at the tip/work  piece interface involved in building an atomically precise part. For this higher order ab initio calculations are sufficient
 The methods of computational chemistry available today allow us to model a wide range of molecular machine’s with an accuracy sufficiently in many cases to determine how well they will work.
         Computational nano technology includes not only the tools and techniques required to model the proposed molecular machines it must also includes the tools required to specify such machine. Molecular machine proposal that would require million or even billions of atoms have been made. The total atom count of an assembler might  be roughly a billion atoms. while commercially available molecular modeling packages provide facilities to specify arbitary structures it is usually necessary  to point and click for each atom involved. This is obviously unattractive for a device as complex as an assembler with  its roughly one billion atoms.

The software required to design and model complex molecular machine is either already available or can be readily developover the next few years. The molecular compiler and other molecular CAD tools needed for this work can be implemented using generally understood techniques and methods from computer science. Using this approach it will be possible to substantially reduce the development time for complex molecular machines, including Drexler’s assemblers.
Future Enhancements:
1.with the knowledge of cryonics cryonists are preserving the brains of humans.we know that each person alive today was once a single cell,and a complete human being can be grown in the natural state.Thus they believe that genetic programming of a single cell on the surface of that brain begins a process of growth and development that perhaps appends to the brain a complete young adult body.


1.      With the implementation of Cryonics we can get back the life.
2.      But Cryonics is a area in which most of the work is to be done in future and till now mainly the concept of this area has been proposed.
3.      So the Scientists are not making long promises for the future of this Cryonics


1. Platzer, W. "The Iceman - 'Man from the Hauslabjoch'." Universität Innsbruck. 12    November 2002
2. "Cryonics." Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary. 10th ed. 2001.
3. Iserson, K.V. Death To Dust: What Happens To Dead Bodies? 2nd ed. Tucson: Galen Press, 2001.
4. Iserson, K.V. "RE: Cryonics article." E-mail to the author. 11 November 2002.
5. "Frequently Asked Questions." Alcor Life Extension Foundation. 12 November 2002
6. Olsen, C.B. "A Possible Cure for Death." Medical Hypotheses 26 (1988): 77-84.


muy linda . . . !

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